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qualities of an ideal teacher, and an ideal student. timeless.

Writer's picture: Ranga VeeravalliRanga Veeravalli

these are the thoughts *presented* 750 years ago - in themselves much older, going all the way to the first.recorded.thoughts (vedantic) times.

the idea is, you the reader, check each of them, and, where needed, *interpret* (each of them) for consumption in our times.

Swamy Desikan (a teacher extraordinaire example himself) describes the greatest qualities of AchArya (Teacher) in *nyAsa vimsati* slOkA 1,

and the great qualities of the SishyA (Student) in slOkA 3.

AchArya LakshaNam.*

siddham satsampradAyE sthira dhiyamanagham SrOtriyam brahma nishTham

sattvastham satya vAcam samaya niyatayA sAdhu vruttyA samEtam | Dambha asooyAadi muktam jita vishayi gaNam deergha bandhum dayaaLum

skhAlityE SaasitAram sva para hita param dEsikam bhUshNureepsEt ||

1.Sound philosophical jnAnam obtained (learnt) through the greatest lineage of (his/her) AchAryAs. - pedigree.

2.Having an undisputed clear knowledge on sAsthrAs - high, deep, wide scholarship.

3.Free from any sins and attachments - pure, dispassionate, objective mind.

4.Complete knowledge of Vedas, its subsidiaries and ithihAsAs - erudition in hoary texts.

5.Deep unshakable faith in Brahman (Almighty- unsurpassed unparalleled Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan) - deeply spiritual.

6.possesses sAtvic guNA - goodness, positivity, truth, serenity, balance, peacefulness, and virtuousness that is drawn towards Dharma and Jnana (knowledge) - benign, sanguine, good.

7.Always speaks truth - truthful.

8.lives in accordance with the manner laid down in sAsthrAs - Virtuous. from jealousy, show etc. - humble.

10. having control over sense organs - self.possessed.

11.friendly and affectionate towards all - kind.

12.Compassionate towards all - compassionate.

13.helps the disciples who err, correct them and make them follow right track as laid down in sAsthrAs - preceptor.

14.wishes for everyone's welfare at all times - transcendental.

who were/are the sterling examples of a great teacher ?

sriman narayana, the vedas tell us was the first recorded guru - who first created, and then taught brahma the four vedas..

lord shiva is revered as the *aadi guru*

then it was his own son, lord subramanya who was to have taught his own father..!! :)

there there were/are the deva and asura gurus - Brihaspati and Sukracharya..

among mortals,

sri veda vyasa was, is celebrated as *the* guru, every year on guru purnima.

and then there are the others, recorded by the ithihasas and the puranas - sri valmiki, sri vashishta, et al in the ramayana, dronacharya and others in the mahabharata.. and so on.

much closer to our own, dr S Radhakrishnan is the revered, model, teacher of our era..

here we notice one distinction. some of them were/are classified as *gurus* and others *acharyas*. we know their distinction - one is a mentor and the other, the coach...

question arises then, as to whether swami Desikan described the *acharya* or the *guru*...?? what do you think ?

while on this, one is reminded of the other kinds of teachers - the Zen Master, for example...

famous for literally *hitting* the disciple quite vigorously and with no notice, and that too sometimes with a very stout stick...!!??

omg !! (LoL!)

turns swami desikan on his head ?!!!!

go figure that... :)

Sishya LakshaNam.

sat bhuddhi: sAdhu sEvee samucita carita: tattva bodha abhilAshee

SuSrushus tyakta mAna: praNipatana para: praSna kAla prateeksha: | Saanta: dAnta: anasooyu: SaraNamupagata: Saastra viSvAsa Saalee Shishya: prApta: pareekshAm krutavidhabhimatam tattvata: SikshaNeeya: ||

1. Sad buddhih - Pure intellect without blemishes - brilliant.

2. Saadu sevee - Servility in respect of Bhagavataas - humble.

3. Samuchita charitah - Implicit observance of swava dharma - disciplined.

4. Tatva bodah abhilaashi - Enthusiasm for learning about Tatva, hita and purusharta - enthusiastic.

5. shushrushuh - Eagerness to serve the preceptor in his daily routine - devoted.

6. Tyakta maanah - Totally free from self-conceit when serving the acharya - selfless.

7.Prani patana parah - Enthusiasm to fall flat as a matter of implicit obedience and reverence to the acharya - reverent.

8. Prasna kala prateekshah - Learning to benefit from acharya’s explanations - comprehensive.

9. shaantah - Successful conquest of the five senses - austere.

10. Daantah - Complete over the mind - rigorous.

11. Anasooyuh - Absence of jealousy - non.envious.

12. Charanam upagatah - To reside close to acharya for acquiring spiritual knowledge - resident.

13. Shaastra visvaasa shaalee - Implicit faith in scriptures and their mandates - faithful.

14. Pareekshaam praaptah - Readiness to be subject to various tests - ever prepared.

15. Kruta vid - Gratitude for the enormous service rendered by the acharya - grateful, indebted.

there are direct disciples and then there are indirect ones - with famous names in both.

are they same or different in some basic ways, as learners?

and, among the two, who is a better learner - the direct or indirect ones?

and, is the above a common-for-both list?

finally, who is better - guru, or shishya..?

respectful acknowledgment to: shri. Madhavakkannan


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